Lyndon Ferns
Lyndon matriculated at Hoërskool Pietersburg in 2001, before winning a scholarship to swim at the University of Arizona.
He capped his collegiate swimming career in 2006 by finishing as the NCAA Champion in the 100 butterfly - his first individual national title - and was a part of the 400 freestyle, 400 medley, and 800 freestyle NCAA Championship relay teams to help the Wildcats to a second-place finish at the NCAA Championships.
Along with fellow Arizona alumni Roland Schoeman, Ryk Neethling, and Darian Townsend, Lyndon provided one of the indelible moments of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games as the quartet won the Gold Medal in the 400-meter freestyle relay in a world record time of 3:13.17.

2006 Commonwealth Games - 4 × 100 m freestyle relay - Roland Schoeman (48.65); Lyndon Ferns (48.43); Gerhard Zandberg (49.44); Ryk Neethling (48.45)

University of Arizona
Lyndon Ferns Biography
2004-05 Season: Seven-time first-team All-American... Responsible for five top-five season best times and three top-three all-time best performances ... At the NCAA Championships, finished third in the 100 freestyle (42.34), which was also a new school record... Was third in the 100 butterfly (46.33) and fourth in the 50 freestyle (19.30)... Also contributed to four of the five top-three relays at the national championships... At the Pac-10 Championships, finished second in the 100 butterfly (46.30)... Won the 50 freestyle against ASU (20.22) and swam the first leg of the first-place 200 free relay... Against SMU Texas won in the 100 freestyle (43.87)... Also won the 50 freestyle (20.02) and the 100 butterfly while finishing second in the 200 freestyle (1:37.73)... Posted the only first-place finishes in the meet against Stanford, dominating the 50 freestyle (20.08) and the 100 freestyle (44.27)... Against Cal, won both the 50 freestyle (20.18) and the 100 freestyle (44.29)... Won the 200 freestyle (1:38.68) and the 100 butterfly (48.41) against Northwestern and Washington... Also, took second place in the 50 freestyle (20.13) as well as the 100 freestyle (44.63)... Finished first in the 100 freestyle (45.12) against British Colombia... At the Texas Invitational, Won the 100 butterfly (46.04) as well as the 200 freestyle while finishing second in the 50 freestyle (19.52)... Against USC, won the 100 freestyle (43.59) and the 50 freestyle (20.05)... Also was second in the 200 freestyle (1:36.93)... Against Wisconsin, took first place in two events including the 50 freestyle (20.28) and the 100 butterfly (48.10).
2003-04 Season: First team All-American in the 200 and 800-meter free relay, the 50 and 100 freestyle, and the 100 fly...Finished sixth in the 50-meter freestyle (21.73) at the 2004 NCAA Championships...Was second in the 50 free (19.62) at the 2004 Pac-10 Championships...Swam the first leg of the second-place 400 free relay... Finished fourth in the 100 freestyle...Conquered the freestyle events against ASU as he won the 200-meter (1:49.73), the 50-meter (22:49) and the 100-meter (49.59) freestyle races...Won the 200 freestyle (1:39.22) against Texas along with the 50 freestyle...Posted two first-place victories in the 50 freestyle (20.17) and the 100 freestyle (44.20) against Stanford...Finished second in the 200 butterfly against Purdue and Missouri (1:53.68)... Broke two records at the 2003 Texas Invitational: first in the 100 freestyle (42.40)... Won the 100-meter freestyle (48.99), which broke the South African record held by former Wildcat Ryk Neesling...Also at the Texas Invitational, won the 50-meter freestyle (22.32) and the 100-meter butterfly (46.71) ...Against USC, won both the 50-meter (LC) freestyle (23.36) as well as the 100 freestyle (51.20)... Led the Wildcats to a victory over Wisconsin by winning three events: the 200 freestyle, 50 freestyle, and 100 freestyle.
2002-03 Season: Earned All-America honors in five different events... At the 2003 NCAA Championships, was 11th in the 100 freestyle (43.68) and 14th in the 50 free (19.99)... Was also part of the third-place 400 free relay, fourth-place 200 free relay, and the 10th-place 800 free relay... At 2003 Pac-10 Championships, finished seventh in the 100 free (44.05), 10th in the 100 fly (48.00), and 16th in the 50 free... Also helped the 400 free relay to a third-place finish at Pac-10s... Garnered seven top-five finishes during the season’s dual meet action... Won both the 50 and 100 free against Arizona State... Was first in the 50 free and second in the 200 free against California... Took first place in the 50 free, 100 free and 100 fly against Stanford.
National & International Competition ?- 2004- Competed in the Olympic games for South Africa where he was part of the gold medal 400 free relay team (3:13.17) along with University of Arizona alumni Ryk Neethling and Roland Schoeman... 2003: Member of the South Africa National Team... Part of a 400m free relay that set a new African record... 2002: Member of the South Africa National Team... Finished seventh in the 100m fly at the World Cup in Sweden... Was second at the Commonwealth Games... Member of a 400m free relay that finished eighth at the World Championships while setting a new African record... African senior champion in the 100m free and was third in the 100m fly.
Prep: Graduate of Pietersburg High School in Pietersburg, South Africa... Two-year team captain... Team MVP from 1997-2001... Set school records in six different events... Set a national record in the 100m fly (55.05)... Also participated in rugby and track and field... Was the rugby team captain in 1997 and 2000... Competed for the Pietersburg Swimming Club... Club team captain from 1999-2002... Team Swimmer of the Year from 1995-2002... 2002 national champion in the 100m fly...2002 Africa senior champion in the 100m free.
Personal: Born Lyndon Ferns on Sept. 24, 1983, in Pietersburg, South Africa... Son of Frank and Linda Hislop... Has an older brother, Gordon, and a twin sister, Liezel... Majoring in business with an interest in becoming an accountant.
Personal Bests: 50 free - 19.22 100 free - 42.34 100 fly - 46.04

Lyndon het in 2001 as onderhoofseun aan die Hoërskool Pietersburg gematrikuleer.
Sy prestasies, lewensbeskouing en nederigheid dien as ‘n uitnemende voorbeeld vir oud en jonk, wat sy loopbaan met arendsoë en groot verwagting volg.
Hiermee word erkenning gegee aan een van Suid-Afrika se jong helde, in die uiters kompeterende en veeleisende sport van swem op nasionale en internasionale vlak.
Reeds op 18-jarige ouderdom behaal hy nasionale en internasionale sukses, onderskeidelik met sy verowering van die SA-senior titel in die 100m vlinderslag en die wen van ‘n silwermedalje in die 4 x 100m vryslag aflos by die Statebondspele in Manchester, Engeland.
In Desember 2003 word hy die eerste man in Afrika en die tweede jongste swemmer ooit in wêreldgeskiedenis toe hy die SA-en Afrikarekord in die 100m vryslag verbeter het, in ‘n tyd van onder 49 sekondes. Die “All American Honours”, wat toegeken word aan die 8 beste swemmers in die VSA, val Lyndon te beurt vir vier agtereenvolgende jare – vanaf 2003 – 2006.
Olimpiese roem realiseer in Augustus 2004 met die Olimpiese Spele in Athene, Griekeland, met die verowering van ‘n goue medalje en die verbetering van die wêreldrekord in 4x100m vryslag aflos. By die Statebondspele in Maart 2006 in Australië, is Lyndon weer deel van die SA-span wat goud verower in die 4x100m vryslag aflos.
In Julie 2006 en later weer in Desember verbeter Lyndon die SA- en Afrikarekord in die 100m vlinderslag. Met sy vierde plek by die Wêreldkampioenskappe in Maart 2007, verbeter Lyndon weer sy eie rekord. Met die prestasie word hy die eerste man in Afrika en die elfde man ooit in die geskiedenis, om die 100m vlinderslag onder 52 sekondes af te lê.
In April 2008 kwalifiseer Lyndon vir sy tweede Olimpiese Spele deur die 100m vlinderslag en 100m vryslag by die SA-proewe te wen. Hy is ook die enigste atleet in SA om A – kwalifiserende tye vir die Olimpiese Spele in Beijing te behaal in drie individuele items: die 50m vryslag, die 100m vryslag en die 100m vlinderslag. Hy is ook deel van die 4x100m vryslag aflos en 4x100m wisselslag aflos by die Spele.
Lyndon is tans die Afrika-rekordhouer in die 100m vlinderslag, die 4x100m vryslag-aflos, die 4x100m wisselslag aflos en die 4x50m vryslag aflos.
Met hierdie oorkonde word erkenning gegee aan Lyndon Ferns se uitnemende sportprestasies en dien dit ook as inspirasie om hom te motiveer tot ‘n lang en suksesvolle loopbaan en lewe.
Oorkonde toegeken deur die ouergemeenskap, personeel en leerlinge van die Hoërskool Pietersburg tydens ‘n seremonie gehou op 29 Augustus 2008.

September 18th, 2011
South African Olympic gold medalist Lyndon Ferns has gone through plenty of change this year. In April, he officially retired from swimming, and in his transition to civilian life he’s received many honor. This includes when in June when he had a pool at his old high school dedicated in his honor.
He turned another chapter in his life yesterday when he wed model Cara Burger in Pretoria, South Africa on Saturday. Burger was a 2008 finalist for Miss South Africa and is currently a model (as should be obvious from the shots below).

HTS Tom Naude
19 Augustus 2019 - Lyndon Ferns, het die skool in Pietersburg besoek om swemmers te inspireer. Sy prestasie tydens die 2004 Olimpiese spele in Athene waar hy deel van die 4x100m aflosspan was, wat nie net goud gewen het nie, maar ook n nuwe wêreldrekord opgestel het, is onder luide toejuiging van die leerders op die groot skerm vertoon.