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Gerhard Zandberg

Gerhard was born in Pretoria on 23 April 1983, where he attended Crawford College with fellow Olympians Cameron van der Berg, Jarred Crous, Michael Meyer, Michelle Weber, and Dylan Bosch. He also swam for the Northern Tigers at the South African championships, and the University of Pretoria. He was coached by Gerhard van der Walt.

Zandberg also took a gold medal as a part of the South African 400 free relay at the 2006 Commonwealth Games.

In the 2007 World Championships Gerhard won the 50 m backstroke, winning the race in 24:98. He won bronzes in the same race at the 2003, 2009, and 2011 World Championships. In 2009 he swum the race in 24:34, which was still the SA record in 2018. 

In 2007 Gerhard was the national swimming squad captain. He was awarded the Personality of the Year and Swimmer of the Year awards as athletes, coaches, and officials were honoured at Swimming SA's Annual Aquatics Awards.

By 2013 he had retired from official competition, due to a dispute with Swimming South Africa. 

Between 2014 - 2016 he swam in the Raia Rapida with Roland Schoeman, Cameron van der Burg, Brad Tandy, Douglas Erasmus, and Giulio Zorzi. He made a comeback in 2018, swimming at the 2018 South African Short Course National Championships in Durban, winning two medals.

Today Gerhard is the founder and head coach of Vikings Race Club in Pretoria, SA. He hosts coaching clinics in various locations around southern Africa.


Goue Gerhard Zandberg: Spoedvraat van formaat

17 December 2007 

Daar’s sowat 2,5 sekondes tussen Gerhard Zandberg en Olimpiese roem. Hy het immers al dié soort sukses geproe toe hy verlede jaar in Melbourne, Australië, by die Wêreldkampioenskapsbyeenkoms die 50 m-rugslag gewen het. Kyk jy hom so, lyk dit byna onmoontlik dat so ’n jong “reus” – wat oor die 2 m in sy sokkies staan en 105 kg weeg – daardie 50 m in 22,18 sekondes kon aflê.

Sy wêreldtitel het heeltemal onverwags gekom, want hy het hom eintlik vir die vryslag voorberei. Hy het daardie dag in Melbourne nie baie lekker gevoel nie, maar hom tog vir die 50 m-rugslag ingeskryf. En toe hy die kant van die swembad raak en pandemonium losbars, het hy geweet . . . sukses proe nóg soeter as jy dit nie verwag nie.

Verlede jaar is hy ook deur Swem SA aangewys as Swemmer, Swemvonds én Swempersoonlikheid van die Jaar. Reeds as tjokker het hy sy pa se besproeiingsdam op Brits in die Noordwes-provinsie maklik ’n paar keer ná mekaar deurgeswem. Sy swemjuffrou het tóé al voorspel hy het groot talent. Maar talent is nie ál wat van Suid-Afrika se swemkaptein ’n wenner maak nie.

Sy geheim is: Hy weet wat hy wil hê en hoe om dit te bereik. Hy het fisiek en emosioneel hard gewerk aan sy sukses. Dié dat hy doodkalm kan wees voor die skoot klap. Hy weet mos hy’t alles ín hom om eerste te wees.

Jy lewer motiveringspraatjies?
Net op aanvraag en verkieslik voor jong mense. Ek kan beter met jonger mense identifiseer.

Het jy dan self ’n inspirerende verhaal?
Nadat ek gematrikuleer het, wou ek met my swemloopbaan voortgaan en self my pad vorentoe finansier. My ouers het my gehelp om ’n bakkie te koop en ek het sonder ’n helper tonne bourommel per dag weggery. Ek kon dit net drie dae per week doen sodat ek die res kon oefen. Ek het baie hard gewerk om genoeg geld bymekaar te maak om in Arizona, Amerika, te gaan swem en studeer. Ek het ’n beurs gekry, maar die vliegkaartjie was buitensporig duur. Ek was nog nooit spyt oor die harde werk nie en leer dié soort motivering nou vir die jong swemmers in my swemskool. Jy moet hard werk vir jou drome.

Hoe dissiplineer jy jouself?
Swem is ’n tydsame en eensame sport waarin jy nooit die toppunt sal bereik sonder ongelooflike toewyding nie. Jou doelwitte kan tot twee jaar ver wees en jy kan 600 swemsessies insit om dit te bereik. Dit kan maklik jou motivering ontspoor, maar my afrigter gee my korttermyn-mylpale wat bereikbaar is sodat dit nie my moed breek nie.

Hoe berei jy jou emosioneel voor op die Spele?
Ek weet hoe uitputtend emosionele spanning kan wees. Ek probeer so gefokus moontlik bly op my doelwitte. Jou denke het ’n groot impak op jou prestasies. As jy te veel druk op jouself plaas, benadeel dit jou. Ek is nie ’n voorstander van oormatige positiewe denke nie. Die gevaar is dat jy negatiewe denke net ’n positiewe vetlagie kan gee. Ek probeer my emosies so neutraal moontlik hou en met my normale dinge aangaan so lank as wat ek kan. Ek sorg dat ek vertroue in my vermoë het.

Wanneer is jou groot datum?
Ek swem op 9 Augustus in die eerste uitdunne van die 100 m-rugslag (daar is nie ’n Olimpiese item vir die 50 m-rugslag nie).

Wat doen jy voor jy wegspring?
Dit verskil van swemmer tot swemmer. Ek verkies om nie op te warm nie. Ek trek ’n uur voor die tyd tot vyf lae klere aan en neem gereeld slukkies water en koffie. As ek begin sweet, weet ek my liggaam is gereed. Dan trek ek my swembroek aan en sorg dat ek warm bly tot ek agter die blokke gaan staan. Ek sit eenkant en luister na lekker ritmiese musiek op my oorfone terwyl die ander opwarm. Baie swemmers vind my gedrag vreemd en senutergend. Hulle weet dan nie wat om te verwag nie!

Jy is 25. Kry jy kans om net jonk te wees?
Verseker, ja! My vriende kuier graag by plekke soos Menlyn Square en ek is nie ’n drip nie. Dis vir my belangrik om ’n gesonde balans te handhaaf.

Het jy ’n vaste meisie?
Ongelukkig nie. Omdat ek so baie weg is, plaas dit net te veel druk op my verhoudings.

Jy is lief vir motorfietse en motors?
Ek het twee motorfietse en twee motors. Ek het in 2005 baie hard geval met my padfiets. ’n Waaghalsige toertjie teen 120 km/h het lelik skeefgeloop en my enigste buffer was ’n kortbroek en T-hemp. Dit was onverantwoordelik en ek gaan nie bieg waar dit gebeur het nie. Ek het niks gebreek nie, maar al my nerwe afgeval. Ek het nou ’n veldfiets en ’n kleiner padfiets vir die stad.  Ek is mal oor my Renault Mégane RS. Hy is een van net 1 500 van dié spesifieke model wat wêreldwyd gemaak is nadat Renault in 2005 die Formule 1-Wêreldkampioenskap gewen het. My ander liefde is my Land Rover Defender.

Mal oor spoed?
Net so toegewyd soos ek aan my sport is, so onverantwoordelik is ek oor spoed. Ek het baie spoedboetes, want ek geniet spoed en doen dit voluit.

Nog ’n groot liefde?
Die Bosveld. Maar ek het nog nie planne om ’n Bosveldplaas te koop nie. Ek probeer eers belê in bates wat inkomste genereer sodat ek eendag op ’n plaas kan bly en nie hoef te werk nie.

Is daar genoeg geld in swem om te oorleef?
Ongelukkig nie in Suid-Afrika nie. In Australië kan swemmers byna ’n normale bestaan handhaaf met die ondersteuning van hul borge. Jy word net genooi om in Europa teen vergoeding deel te neem as jy die héél beste is. Die tweede plek tel nie. Die feit dat ek laasjaar die wêreldkampioen was, het ’n verskil gemaak. Organiseerders in Europa betaal my nou ’n appearance fee om te gaan deelneem, en wanneer ek wen, betaal hulle in euros.

Het jy ook ander sakebelange?
Die swemskool het met ’n groepie huisvroue begin en nou het ek al nege groepe swemmers per week. Ek het ook in Januarie vanjaar ’n gastehuis in Waterkloof begin. Dit het vyfster-status net-net gemis. My ma, Aloma, en suster, Anke, bestuur dit vir my.

Nog sake-drome?
Ek wil eendag ’n unieke restaurant oopmaak met ’n persoonlike atmosfeer. Ek het ’n passie vir kosmaak.

Studeer jy ook?
Ek het besluit om nie te gaan studeer nie omdat ek so lank as moontlik wil swem. Dit sou te veel druk op my plaas. Toe ek in 2005 met ’n swem- en studiebeurs na Arizona was, het ek meganiese ingenieurswese gestudeer. Ná 10 maande wou ek my studies los om voluit te swem. Ek kan altyd later verder studeer.

Wie inspireer jou?
Mense soos Natalie du Toit. Kort ná die ongeluk waarin sy haar been verloor het, het ek haar by ’n byeenkoms gesien. Sy het nie afgekyk of haar lip op die grond gesleep nie. Sy het aangegaan en sukses behaal. Sy het ál die kwaliteite wat ’n mens moet hê om ’n wenner te wees.

Het jý daardie kwaliteite?
Ek sou graag so wil dink. Dis ’n uitdaging om te alle tye só gefokus te bly. Emosies speel ’n geweldige rol en dis dán wanneer jy ’n honger na oorwinning moet wys.

Zandberg SWA camp

WINDHOEK – About 35 swimmers from across Namibia and South Africa attended this year's Gerhard Zandberg training camp which was held in the coastal town of Swakopmund from 3 to 7 January.

2006 commonwealth

Lyndon Ferns, Roland Schoeman, Ryk Neethling and Gerhard Zandberg celebrate on the podium after winning the gold medal in the Men's 4x100m freestyle relay final at the 2006 Commonwealth Games

Zandberg in deep end with SSA


SA swimming star Gerhard Zandberg was handed a R50 000 cash fine and a year's community service – you’d think we had a criminal on our hands.

Instead, it’s just another SA sportsperson feeling the brunt of a bully administration who have little regard for due process.

SA Olympic swimmer, Zandberg is a “broken man” after being severely punished for breaking team rules during the FINA World Championships in Barcelona. 
The story broke that Zandberg had been hauled before a Swim SA (SSA) disciplinary hearing because he had switched hotel rooms to be with his girlfriend.

But according to a couple of sources, Zandberg had asked a number of SSA officials six days before his race if he could please move as his “roomie”, Cameron van der Burgh had a head cold (which was reported in the media) and he was battling to sleep. 

Four days after his request, SSA had not come back to him. 

So, two days before his race (last Thursday) and not being able to sleep, he had little choice but to move to his own room, which he paid for himself. 

His girlfriend, Linda, joined him in the room.

When SSA management got wind of the move, Zandberg received a WhatsApp message from the team manager at around 22:30 on the Friday night, asking him to meet with him to discuss some issues.

Zandberg didn’t respond to the message in time and the meeting was re-scheduled for after lunch on the Saturday after his heat.

Once again, no mention of a disciplinary hearing.

The disciplinary proceedings finished at 16:30 (30 minutes before he had to leave for the pool to swim the semi-finals).

SSA claimed it was his second breach after criticizing team management on social media earlier in the week.
The combined punishment for the swimmer:

1. R50 000 cash fine (later reduced to R5 000)
2. 2-year ban from swimming
3. 1-year community service for SwimSA
4. Immediate scratching from all World Cup events

Zandberg already does a lot for charity and the community along with his coaching, “Learn to Swim”.

How can it be so harsh and were the rights of the swimmer compromised?  

For the record, Zandberg, who also didn’t receive SA team kit, slipped at the start of his semi and failed to make the final.

He didn’t make any excuses for missing out but can you imagine what was weighing on his mind.

I emailed SSA CEO, Shaun Adriaanse asking him for some clarification on the following:

Who did the disciplinary panel consist of, is the punishment in line with the SSA constitution and is the SSA constitution signed?

No response from the CEO.

There has been growing speculation that the SSA constitution is not signed as it does not comply with FINA requirements.

It is also the second time within a week that Adriaanse had failed to respond to an email of mine.

Earlier, I had asked him if SSA had paid for any journalist to attend any championship/event in the last five years?

No response.

It has become a trend for bigger sporting codes to pay for journalists to attend events and I am still of the opinion, it is difficult for some to write objectively and “spill the beans” when they are being wined and dined by officials.

SSA is also forever crying poverty but that didn’t stop the CEO from going to Barcelona. 

What role did Adriaanse serve when there was already a team manager? 

SSA is always looking for handouts but it’s time they took a good look at themselves and ask why Telkom withdrew their sponsorship. 

R2.7 million was given to SSA by the sports ministry for the world champs. Why then did Zandberg have to pay his own way? 

Although, SSA have promised to reimburse his flights.

Swimmers had to contribute R3 000 each for the last World Championships in Shanghai (in 2011) and when some questioned why they had to contribute for a fully funded tour, they were told “to be grateful that the rest of the funding was supplied by the federation and not to ask any questions, just be grateful that it wasn't more.” 

Meanwhile, the disabled swimmers questioning whether or not, they are getting a fair deal as they head for their championships in Montreal. The able bodied swimmers spent almost two weeks in Europe to acclimatise whilst the disabled swimmers leave on August 7 with a layover in the London for 11 hours then fly to Montreal. 

Three days later, some have to swim at the World Champs in their main events.

As one high performance coach put it: “There is almost no time difference between SA and Spain, whereas for the disabled swimmers, it’s almost seven hours. One needs at least a day for every hour to acclimatise and SSA knows this. I tell you it’s discrimination and they can say what they want.”

There has been strong support for Zandberg on twitter:

Former SA swimmer, Kathryn Meaklim tweeted: @ZandbergGerhard it's things like this that make a person glad to have stopped swimming & stay that way. Outrage! Keep ur head high captain.

Media analyst, Lance Rothschild: Fire SwimSA CEO Shaun Adriaanse. Put the athletes first.

Don’t hold your breath.

Sadly, SSA is well protected as the president of SSA, Jace Naidoo is also a Sascoc board member...